About Wayne

Wayne Mushrow was born in Port aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada in September of 1945. In 1975 he purchased scuba diving equipment and decided he wanted to learn to dive. There were no training opportunities in the area so he had to figure it all out for himself. A resourceful person Wayne set about teaching himself to dive. From the river in a nearby park to the harbour in Port aux Basques he soon had mastered the mechanics and skills of diving.

Before long he was being contracted to all sorts of underwater work. He did extensive amounts of work in the Harbour Development project in Port aux Basques. On numerous occasions he worked for the R.C.M.P doing the unfortunate task of recovering bodies from the deep.

It wasn’t all work and his love for diving often led him in search of shipwrecks and sunken treasure. Mostly it just the pure pleasure of the dive. Fate smiled on Wayne in a big way. In November 1981 he discovered a mariner’s astrolabe near the community of Isle aux Morts on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, Canada. This Astrolabe , which was more than three hundred and fifty years old, was a discovery of great historical importance. It was the only one of its kind ever found in Canada, and one of only four of its kind found in the world. Eventually it would be called the “Mushrow Astrolabe” in his honour.

It seems that fate had another surprise up its sleeve for Mr. Mushrow. It is believed that he may have found even a second Astrolabe. Although not officially confirmed by Mr. Mushrow this second Astrolabe is rumored to be older than the first. If this is true it indeed an astronomical event. Many historians would only dream of putting their hands on not one, but two such historical artifacts.

In his spare time he crafts exact replicas of the Mushrow Astrolabe that he recovered from the Atlantic. It’s a long and tedious process but each Oak copy must be perfect. He has been asked to make these for people all over the globe. Because of the large amount of time involved this is a rare collectors item.

One thing is assured. The milkman from Port aux Basques, NL has made his mark on history. You can see for yourself. The evidence is in the Port aux Basques Museum.